Saturday, April 4, 2015


I didn't always plan on being a teacher. Like many young guys I had my sights set on becoming a professional athlete or a rockstar. Even through high school, my vision was focused on my bass guitar and the hopes that one day I'd end up on MTV. All of that changed my senior year of high school. I took a class teaching preschool thinking it'd be an easy way to earn an "A". Little did I know I would soon stumble upon a passion I never knew I had. It took me a while to get going. I was the only guy in the class, and was having a hard time adjusting to the demands of a preschool classroom in front of my female peers. After a few long discussions with my parents and teachers, I decided to stick it out. It was one of the greatest choices of my life, and I always wonder where I'd be if I was allowed to back out so early on. College and field placements led way to student teaching, graduating, and eventually a classroom of my own. I am so thankful I wasn't allowed to give up so quickly, and I try to instill this idea into my students every day. Education allows me the opportunity to constantly improve every single day. I look forward to sharing my own successes while collaborating with other educators with stories of their own.

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